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Top 20 Websites in US
Web metrics firm Compete has an interesting post, outlining the top 20 websites (for US traffic)
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What Is Web 2.0? Finally…
Some say Web 2.0 doesn't have a definition. I disagree. But what the hell is it?
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Taming the RSS beast
There should be an alternative to one-size-fits-all RSS feeds for busy sites
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Super-Easy Blendy Backgrounds
Matthew O'neill wrote a tutorial on Super-Easy Blendy Backgrounds
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Introducing Got API
Got API has a fast api search that can query across a lot of the APIs that you use day to day
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User Rules!
Web 2.0 is all about the community, right? User generated content, user defined value and services – so why not user created rules?
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Time Breakdown of modern Web Design
This hilarious pie chart will prove as a nice little break from your Thursday grind
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Web Browsing on Mobile Phones - Characteristics of User Experience
The research team at Nokia on browsing the Web with a small mobile phone
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Best Practice for a Web 2.0 Professional: Recruiter
If you are a recruiter you'll find lots and lots of web 2.0 tools you can use